Who We Are

International Charity Foundation

We are established as a non-profitable humanitarian organization – a charity fund with the main goal to assist Ukrainian hospitals to provide surgery, health care and recovery services to save the lives and quality of life of the victims of the Russian invasion. Established in May 2022 by volunteers and doctors, we are a nonprofit with no political or religious affiliation.

Our mission is to relieve the pressure from the European public health system and improve the funding and the provision of medications, diagnostic means, disposables and consumable materials, spare parts and/or necessary medical equipment and supplies to the orthopaedic and surgery departments of Ukrainian hospitals, needed for health care services in emergency services, care to patients in critical conditions, surgery and other specialized services, surgical procedures and complete care to injured patients as well as treatment such patients with high-quality implants and prostheses etc.

We are working to ensure the rapid and flexible funding and supply of medical equipment, disposables and medicines to the hospitals in need.

OUR PRINCIPLES: Mutual benefit & overall support: we relieve the pressure from the European public health system by improving the funding and the provision of the medical supplies to the public health system of Ukraine Humanity:

We address the needs of the orthopaedic and surgery departments of Ukrainian hospitals, which provide surgery and other specialized health care services to save the lives, health and improve the quality of life of the war victims Operation Independence:

we are independent of any political, economic or military objectives of its donors or other physical or legal persons, and has an interest exclusively in the purposes related to the charity funds' goals Impartiality:

we are based on the needs of the hospitals. We make no distinctions about nationality, race, gender, religious belief, class or political viewpoint of patients.

Support the campaign
"ORTHOPEDIC Help For Ukraine"